Tips & Tricks On How To Stay Fit In Lockdown & Beyond

By Abdiya Iman...
"Hello! My name is Abdiya Iman and I am the co-founder of Modest Fitness Week, a platform for Muslimah personal trainers & health experts. I have not been interested in fitness for long but very quickly realised that if I didn’t get fit now then perhaps I would never get fit. I noticed that my lack of exercise was affecting my physical health and mental health. All-day at the desk isn’t the answer! So after being inspired by other Muslim women on Instagram, I decided to get fit, and in the process help others too! So I actually launched my own fitness platform in collaboration with incredible Muslimah personal trainers worldwide, specialised in their area of fitness."
Working out during lockdown, my top 5 tips!
1) Find a variety of fitness activities that you ENJOY! We are living in really difficult times and it is important to do things that we love. Remember, fitness and sports can be self-care time. At Modest Fitness we have a range of fitness activities to keep you excited and motivated for each new day! If you are not into fitness then this can be a real game-changer for you! If you don’t like running, then try guided mindfulness running by our instructor Lynne. If you love Pilates but never thought it could give you a strong upper body then try a Pilates session with our instructor Seyma.
2) Find a space in your house where you feel motivated and ready to workout. This could be as easy as creating a space in your living room where you can store your yoga mat and some weights. Seeing them each day will remind you and encourage you to roll out the mat and get moving. At Modest Fitness we have workouts that are perfect for at-home workouts. You don’t need that much space but you will be moving mountains for your health.
3) My third tip would be accountability! It is critical to have a support group, a friend, or a whole tribe that can encourage and motivate you, especially on those days that you really don’t want to work out. When you see that today is running day and you are feeling so sleepy and the weather is not at all inviting, having that group of girls posting their videos/pictures and smiling after they finish is priceless! At Modest Fitness we go through the programme together, we all do the same workout on the same day so it’s so nice to see how people react to the different workouts and how they feel afterward.
4) Another element that has really helped me this year is to listen to health experts about holistic health and also have them on hand to answer my questions. At Modest Fitness we have an app where we have various health experts ready to answer our questions and offering us incredible support through their programmes.
5) Lastly, don’t be too hard on yourself. 20-25 mins workouts are a great way to start and you will definitely see the results. But, remember, results do take time, so be consistent! There is no need to feel fed up when you haven’t lost the weight after a few days or you don’t feel like your abs are any more pronounced after a month. These things take time, so enjoy the journey. That’s why at Modest Fitness our aim is to keep it fun and really help women to fall in love with exercise.
I hope these tips are useful to you and you can be successful on your fitness journey this year. Remember, we have new challenges and programmes starting all the time so head over to our Instagram page and/or our website and sign up now! We will be waiting for you with our arms wide open!
You can find Modest Fitness Week On Instagram Here